
Also known as: Pinolite or Märbelstein

gentle love - slowing down - appreciating the small moments - promotes a positive attitude - peace of mind - eases loneliness & negative thought spirals - comforting

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History & Origin:

Pinolith, also known as Pinolite or Märbelstein, is a unique stone composed of Dolomite, Magnesite, & Graphite. Most notably found in Austria, specifically near the eastern Alps, it was named after the word ‘pine’ due to its pattern resembling pine nuts & ‘lithos’ meaning stone. 

Metaphysical Properties:

This stone carries a gentle, comforting energy that can help slow down the mind & body. Like a soft blanket, this stone wraps you in loving, positive energy & encourages rest, regeneration & recuperation. If constant worrying, negative thinking or fears about the future are stopping you from appreciating the here & now, Pinolith can invite you to notice the small things in life & bring back peace of mind. It can inspire positive thinking & optimism when setting out on new adventures as well as ease constant ruminating or catastrophising. This property makes it a wonderful & supportive stone for those with anxiety or overwhelming fears about what’s ahead. Pinolith can also bring loving energy to anyone feeling lonely or isolated, encouraging us to use these moment of solitude to find love within us. 

How to use:

Keep in your bedroom or a relaxing space to encourage the mind & body to unwind. Carry with you to ease negative thinking & promote gratitude & positivity. Place over the heart to invite gentle love & support.

*This stone should avoid prolonged contact with water.

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