
rebirth - connection to the afterlife - psychic power - tranquillity - relieves stress - raises your vibration - holds the energy of the Violet Flame - reveals hidden lessons

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History & Origin:

Phosphosiderite is a relatively rare mineral composed of Iron & Phosphate that was dicovered in 1858 & named in 1890. With its striking orchid or lavender hue, it is often found alongside minerals such as Laueite, Leucophosite, Barbosalite, Triphylite, Apatite & Turquoise. It forms in the oxidised zones of phosphorus-bearing ore deposits & can be found in places such as USA, France, Germany, Portugal, Chile, & Argentina. 

Metaphysical Properties:

This beautiful stone carries a close connection to the Afterlife. Many believe this gem holds the power to open a doorway to the realms where your Masters, Teachers & Loved ones reside. Phosphosiderite can intensify spiritual growth, assist in past-life recall, stimulate psychic abilities & unveil any hidden truths, wisdom or lessons needed for you at this time. Additionally, this stone holds a lovely healing & calming vibration that can inspire peace & tranquillity. It can aid in releasing stress & anxiety - especially worries related to your life purpose or spiritual path. It opens the channel between you & your spirit guides, releasing any fears, confusion or blockages getting in the way. Known to encourage spiritual & emotional transformation & rebirth, Phosphosiderite can also assist in awakening the Violet Flame - a powerful energetic tool associated with enlightenment & protection. 

How to use:

Use during mediation to awaken the Third Eye, encourage spiritual communication & promote tranquillity. Carry with you to find guidance, wisdom & messages wherever you go. This is the perfect stone to use when connecting with your spirit guides!